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Enab Baladi Issue # 97 – Sun, Dec. 29, 2013 – Editorial

عنب بلدي - العدد السابع والتسعون -  الأحد 29 كانون الأول 2013 = غلاف copyThe New Year is about to begin forewarning the Syrians of longer suffering and further sorrows awaiting them; meanwhile and as no clear solutions are being presented by the neither of Syrian opposition or international community, the Syrians are left alone in a hornet’s nest to take their own liberty and achieve the dignity they have been seeking.

After month of struggle, the Free Syrian Army failed to protect 7000 besieged civilians in Muaddamiya Al-Sham. The people of the city had to reach out for the regime that murdered many of its youth, arrested many many others, and displaced its elderly, children and its women. Those people reached a breaking point and shouted at the political opposition that they have faced death enough times to place their fate in Al Assad’s hands; whereas Al Assad seems to be seeking seizing control of as much as possible of the ground prior to Geneva II using all methods of warfare available at his hands: explosive barrels, armistice agreements, and starvation. On the other side of the scene, leaders and prominent “revolutionary” politicians of the opposition are focusing on the upcoming elections at SNC –National Syrian Coalition.

The Syrian people have developed a new profound understanding of death, that it is a blessed “relief” to those who have died from the horrible fate they suffered, a fate worse than death.

The question remains, what is it that the prominent figures of the opposition would do to as they fail to meet their responsibility towards the Syrian people? Would they finally arrive at the conclusion that it is better to die standing than live kneeling.


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