Enab Baladi loses its Managing Editor Ahmad Shihadeh

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Our colleague, the journalist Ahmad Shihadeh has been killed on Tuesday the 12th of March 2013, a member of the board of directors of Enab Baladi Newspaper and its Managing Editor during a missile shelling that targeted his place in Darayya.

Ahmad has joined the group peaceful movement in Darayya since the very beginning of the revolution and participated in most revolutionary demonstrations and activities in the city. he has also participated in other various activities in the field of relief and humanitarian aid, then he participated in establishing the Local Council of Darayya and took his position a member in the Relief Office.

Ahmad Shihadeh (32 years old) has secretly joined the team of Enab Baladi a few months after the launch of Enab Baladi and worked as a moderator of the Economy Page (Hall Market). then he worked in the editing room and supervised writing the weekly editorials of the newspaper and he also supervised the linguistic editing. Ahmad was elected as a member of the board of directors for three successive sessions up to his death date. Upon joining the team, he had remarkable effects which helped rising the level of journalistic components of the newspaper thanks to his deep thoughts, literal abilities, and political foresight.

Ahmad graduated from the Department of Economy, Damascus University in 2003, then obtained a diploma degree in monetary and financial economy. he worked as an assistant for the economic affairs with the European Commission in Damascus. He applied for the Master’s Degree but did not finish his studies because he joined the revolution very early.

Ahmad was arrested two times, the first one was during the Good Friday demonstration in Darayya and was kept in prison for a month and the second time was in July 2011 and lasted for six months. being detained does not refrain him from continuing his field activities, especially regarding relief. Ahmad has insisted to stay in Darayya during the current military campaign against the city despite the increasing risks concerning his own security and safety because he greatly believed in the idea that success in the field of relief is tightly connected with vigorous follow-up personally.

May your soul rest in peace, the martyr Ahmad Shihadeh.


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